Saturday, March 21, 2009

Being Lazy, Shopping, and BoYs!

So this past week was pretty relaxing. I did nothing and mom got a little mad. But its okay I'm her best friend! :) But I did go look for my dress that I am looking at, and couldn't find it. :(.. Yesterday I got paid, and went shopping with Erica and Kasey, and pretty much spent the whole thing yikes. I really need to find another job or get a second one because I'm not getting hours. =/.. So I have been talking to this boy for three weeks and I like him a lot and he wants me to his girlfriend but, I keep saying no because I think it is to fast but I don't know. Hmm what to do?? lol well that is what's been going on the past week. School next tuesday yuck. I can't believe its almost over. :,( 

Much Love


  1. Hi Lauren!
    Too bad you don't live closer -- we'd hire you to babysit your cousins all the time!
    Let's hear more about this BOY. Is he prom date material? We know he has good taste in girls ; )

  2. haha I would babysit in a heartbeat!

    Yes he is my prom date even though we never really asked each other but we know were going together. I think I might just ask him instead of waiting for him to ask me since were going to my prom. But we could go to his to if he wants I mean I'm down to go. ha. But his name is Cayle and he lives in Mesa. He is a junior but older than me. He plays baseball and likes me a lot. He isn't that much taller than me but he is taller. I keep saying I can't wear heels to prom because he isn't that much taller than me but I haven't told him that. And he makes me laugh. Oh he is really good friends with my friend Kasey's younger brother and family so I have the okay from them. hehe
    BUT I like him a lot. Its just hard to hang out and see each other because he doesn't go to my school and lives at least 25-30 minutes away. :/ But yeah thats pretty much it. OH and he treats me nice. Sometimes he will be the one to fix my hair because it is in my face or has something in it. :) Unlike that other kid I used to like. Justin was his name. Ha thats a whole other story.
